
Maybe you wonder why you should register and what you get for doing it?

The price is $16 (USD), and you will then get free updates of Bookmark Converter forever!

When you click on any of the links at the bottom of this page, you will be transferred to a major internet registration service (RegNow). They are always using the latest secure server encryption technology to ensure the privacy of your personal info.

You will be able to pay using credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover) or PayPal.

There are two registration types:

Single Copy Registration
This registration type will allow you to use one copy of Bookmark Converter, on a single computer.
Price: $16 (USD)

Company registration
This registration type will allow you to use Bookmark Converter within a whole company or organization, including converting the bookmarks of all the users over the network.
1-500 users price: $249 (USD)
(for registrations concerning more than 500 users, please send a mail for the latest pricing info, you will find the email adress in the contact info section of this website)

Please choose one of the following:
Go to Single Copy Registration order form.
Go to Company Registration order form.

If you are unable to register online with a credit card or PayPal, there are of course several alternative ways of registering available for you.